

The other day I took an impromptu trip to Oakland while on my way to do bridal registry shopping in Concord (because that's totally on the way, right?). I cursed my decision as traffic piled up in front of the tunnel. I sweated my body weight in sweat hiking up and down those hills on the hottest day of the year so far. But among the things I got out of this little escapade was this gem of a photo of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral that's just down the hill from my temple, which, surprisingly, I had never been to before. I was walking around the grounds doing my touristy thing, and I realized there's a certain majesty in holy places and things, even if they aren't your own, just knowing that someone holds it in such regard makes it magical. All the care and attention to detail put into holy buildings is awe inspiring. This place had a very distinct Mediterranean landscaping that made you forget you were in Northern California for a minute there. There were olive trees! Someday, I hope to have olive trees and fig trees in my yard, just so I can be that much more Italian. 

On a side note, how do you like the power of my new camera? It's less portable than my last one but it's good, I like it!

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