
Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past

This is me warding off vampires today.
(I've been reading Dracula, and I must confess, I am a little obsessed)

Today was a pretty bleak day, but I will exercise my gratitude...
3 good things that happened today:

1. I bought a nice fluffy scarf the color of the sunset (see photo)
2. I left my ancient philosophy class happily daydreaming about Greece and Turkey and the Aegean Sea and 300 Spartans
3. I caught all my bus transfers at the most opportune times possible.

Well, here ends my 30 days challenge that took WAY longer than 30 days

...also, I promise I will be less delinquent in my blogging.. >.>


Day 29 – Something you could never get tired of doing.

Playing violin.
Me + violin = 11 years of friendship


Day 28 – Your favorite movie.

Star Wars
Which one?
Return of the Jedi has traditionally been my favorite,
even though I think The Empire Strikes Back is actually a better movie...
But I think I liked it when I was a kid because that's the movie
where you see Darth Vader turn into a good guy at the end,
and everyone was happy, and everything was great.
It doesn't hurt that the movie has ewoks, too.

Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

August '09, Berkeley CA
Climbing the victorian fire escape
on my sister's church building.
I was a wee newlywed then,
emerging from the hardest semester of my undergrad career,
and this was my summer vacation.

October '10, Orem UT
Easing my way into the stormy season with a cup of hot chocolate
and a chopstick as a drink mixer.

Last year, I was still trying to figure out who I was
and how I fit into society
as a 20 year-old newlywed metalhead Mormon college-student.
Now, I think I am more of an in-the-moment person,
not so afraid of people knowing embarrassing facts about me,
not so afraid of the "real" me.
At least I think that's how I've changed.