
Why I Shouldn't Be A Blogger

You see this, now this is why I should not ever try and be a serious blogger! Leaving off a week into a 30  day challenge and then not posting for 4 months, haha...

A lot has happened during that time involving my struggles with depression and finding my path in life. I've made some big decisions and I'm really excited to be making my life into the vision I want it to be. It's fulfilling, but a lot of work and learning!

Anyways, the reason I'm back is, well, first of all, I've decided to be a web designer. I'm still going to school and learning the very very basics right now but to get some experience under my belt I decided I'd give my blogs a facelift and use them as practice pieces for design. But how embarrassing would that be to potentially put on my portfolio if the posts were like a year old and I had left off in the middle of a 30 day challenge? Sad!

So I'm really not a great blogger, but I do have some things worth sharing from time to time that I want a place to put so I guess this could be it? And I guess my old posts aren't bad, I guess.

Anyways. Not sure if anyone still reads this, but just an update. :)