
I'm in Love

Friday night.
I am procrastinating, and my husband has fallen asleep studying on the other side of the couch, book in hand.
I think he's gorgeous.
His socks are wearing thin on the bottoms, soon they will have holes, maybe I'll end up mending them. I wonder where I can get cute hello kitty/animal fabrics to mend things with, like the girl on Shaolin Soccer. I like mending things.
Friday nights aren't what they used to be, they're peaceful and calm now, I feel like I can make time stand still if I want to because there's no one around to tell me it's still moving. Everything melts off my shoulders - all the burdens and responsibilities, tests, assignments - melts like the butter I melted last night to make a pineapple upside-down cake. The cake that we finished off today. :)
Growing old together, enjoying cake. That's love.



I have a goal of making goals this year. I was too preoccupied during the pre-New Year's season to adequately prepare any New Year's Resolutions, but never fear! There are benefits that come from being multi-cultural! I am, instead, going to do all my New Year's shenanigans on Chinese New Years instead (which also happens to be Valentine's Day, and Stake Conference... >_> )
I have been reading this blog. It has really inspired me, this girl is so full of life and joy and adventure, which is so rare and so wonderful.
This inspiration came at such a good time for me, this past year has been filled with unexpectedly hard semesters and work schedules and only now do I feel like I can live a relatively normal life again and finally breathe. But now I also find that I have neglected a lot of things, a lot of old skills and passion, and most of all, old friends. So now, I need to work extra hard to pick up the pieces, mend relationships, start new ones, find new passions and renew my old ones.
My dear friends, thanks for hanging in there for me even though I have been MIA for a very very long time. I don't even know where to begin, but I love you more than you even realize.
Dream big, embrace life, and love it.


Perfect Day

So yesterday, I was such a good girl after I got home from work. I tidied up the house, I practiced violin, I read my scriptures, washed some dishes, was kind to my husband, and didn't lose my temper at some inanimate object or get cranky and tired at all! I even wrote in my journal, and I didn't touch the computer once. And I enjoyed it!
Oh, if all weeknights could be like that.
But there is one thing missing from this equation: homework
(Well, ok, three, I didn't cook dinner, that was Matt, and I didn't wear my retainers either. I hate retainers :P)
So, this is pretty much what I should be doing, everyday, if I want to live a balanced and responsible life (oh, did I mention I need a social life, too?) which makes me want to say...
When's it going to be the weekend?


Why Japantown Rules

This picture pwns.

Even if I did forget to do the peace signs. :3
I have a cool husband.



There's a Facebook app that calculates which words you use most in your status. My number one word was "tired." Tired? Who, me? No, never! Hah. Serious, I'm like a narcoleptic narco-phile narc-everything else (excluding narc-otics and narco-phobia). I used to sleep in and miss my 1pm classes. I'm tired when I'm sleep deprived, when I sleep too much, when I'm frustrated, sad, stressed, or have a full and content stomach. Sleepy sleepy sleep. Then I get mad at myself for wasting my life because soon I'm going to wake up fat wrinkly and balding and have trouble sleeping and then life will suck because my body will be hurting all the time and my children will have left me.

Gosh, I'm so positive.

All I can say is going from sleeping in until 10am (California time) to waking up at 5:40am (Utah time) the next day was not a good idea. I'm still adjusting. My eyes were watering up at work and the custodians didn't even have to spill ammonia this time.

Semester looks manageable, though. Two easy classes, two hard classes, two work days during the week.

I had my Levinas class today. There were two English teachers sitting in, one history major, and an English major who kept speaking Chinese to me. Husband and I have determined he must be a n00b RM.

I don't think I'll drop any classes, which, I am proud to say, makes me a full-time student again. Graduation, here I come... next year! :D