
Kindergarten Dreaming

Last night I dreamt about eating Easter candy. Cadbury eggs, to be specific.
Ohhh, I wish it were reeeaaaal!!!
Instead I ate ants-on-a-log for breakfast.
But still.
I feel pretty awesome today, not gonna lie.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

This is my goal for the week: See beauty in all things.
It's so hard right now, especially since it's the border season between winter and spring, and I sooo want spring to be here, right now and I just get impatient with nature and want it to hurry up already, bring me flowers! Colors! But I forget that leaf-less trees still have their beauty, and even the yellow grass and brown dirt poking through bald spots on lawns.

Did you know I used to want to live in a field with yellow grass?
So, remember how when you're little, you'd always get assignments in school that ask you to write a paper on where you see yourself in 10 years?
I used to get this picture in my head of living in a house in the middle of a field of yellow grass, on the edge of a line of trees. It was a pale yellow house, old fashioned and wooden, small and old and creaky but cute. I had a big window in front that was right in front of my desk, a husband in the house and three (or more? O_o) little kids running around outside. I had a type-writer, too, which I used it for my work, which I did typing at my desk, and looking at the view out my window.

Of course that wouldn't have been 10 years from when I had to write those essays (or did I really think I would have three kids by the time I was 22?) and what kind of job would really let you use a typewriter these days? But I'm really bad at dreaming about my future, so this has been an image I've always come back to.
I do like the idea of a desk by a window. And I know Matt would like an old fashioned small-ish house.
I don't know where I want to be in 10 years, I'll have to work on that and get back to you all.
But I do like this childish dream I used to have, it amuses me and yet, I can almost see it being reality someday.