Last weekend we went to the Jpop Summit Festival in Japantown, watched the h. Naoto fashion show, browsed around the vendor booths, and ate ramen. I saw the most lolitas I have ever seen in my life, and everyone looked so magnificent! It was rather cold that day and I felt like I looked very windswept the whole time, but anyways, here's some pics! (from my phone, forgive the bad quality >_<)
(h. Naoto Gramm and Frill fashion show, the designer's in the pic on the right, with the red and black skirt!)
(me, derping around)
Nice shoes! And dress! And Tie Advance! That is a Tie advance, right? ...hehe
Yes, aaah, you smartie pants! I didn't even know that until my friend told me. And thank you! :)
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