
For "Those Days"

It's easy for me to get down on myself, feel my self-confidence slip away sometimes, or most times, just feel hopelessly boring and get existential about everything...
Sometimes I need to remind myself of what I'm proud of myself for, either accomplishment-wise or gutsy-wise, things that sometimes are so crazy I can hardly believe I did them myself. We all have those things, eh? Let us not forget.
Here's a list of things I think about, for those times:
1) I played violin in a metal band
2) I drove up to Seattle and shook Mana's hand
3) I moshed during Ozzfest
To be continued.
Cheer up, ne? We are in the prime of our lives, we have our whole lives ahead of us... let us not get bogged down with stress, and let's live a little.
/self encouragement


MoonyMoMo said...

Just caught up on your blog.
You're life makes me happy. You do DO so much! but I know the down feeling. It's not logical, but it happens.

I miss you tons and once I have a disposable income again, I'm totally inviting myself to your house. =)

Anna said...

You played violin in a metal band?! That's pretty flippin sweet!!

Jin said...

Net- Yesss! Please do visit, we will have so much fun!! I miss you, and I am going to Utah over 4th of July weekend, btw!!

Anna- Yep! Still do, technically, we're just long distance and I haven't picked up a violin in 4 months... ^_^* Thank you!

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