
And That's All I Have to Say About That

You know what I thought about war? It's all an abuse of power. Holy war, just war, I don't wanna hear it. I think it's just plain stupid.
Think of it this way. Say you argue with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Instead of talking it over, working it out, either just between the two of you or with a counselor, you get all your friends to beat up her friends and family, your friends who know how to shoot guns to shoot his/her friends and family, and your friends who know how to make bombs to drop them on his/her friends, and family. And home. And everything to make her say, "Ok, you were right." Or, at least, "I will pretend you are right, because I have lost too much."
Is this okay?
No, it's stupid, right?
Is this a fair comparison? Of course.
What are kings and presidents but human beings? They are just human beings with power. And they abuse it.
Sad, isn't it?
Sorry, I don't mean to be depressing.
But this is so true! And you're thinking, yeah, but politicians can't just "talk things over."
So I know a lot of people hate Reagan. But for some reason, I ended up doing a report about him in high school. Did you know he and Gorbachev "talked things over," thus preventing the Cold War from escalating into bloodshed? Isn't this amazing?
Shouldn't this not be amazing? Shouldn't this be, I dunno, common sense?

And this be the hippie in me.

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