

There's a Facebook app that calculates which words you use most in your status. My number one word was "tired." Tired? Who, me? No, never! Hah. Serious, I'm like a narcoleptic narco-phile narc-everything else (excluding narc-otics and narco-phobia). I used to sleep in and miss my 1pm classes. I'm tired when I'm sleep deprived, when I sleep too much, when I'm frustrated, sad, stressed, or have a full and content stomach. Sleepy sleepy sleep. Then I get mad at myself for wasting my life because soon I'm going to wake up fat wrinkly and balding and have trouble sleeping and then life will suck because my body will be hurting all the time and my children will have left me.

Gosh, I'm so positive.

All I can say is going from sleeping in until 10am (California time) to waking up at 5:40am (Utah time) the next day was not a good idea. I'm still adjusting. My eyes were watering up at work and the custodians didn't even have to spill ammonia this time.

Semester looks manageable, though. Two easy classes, two hard classes, two work days during the week.

I had my Levinas class today. There were two English teachers sitting in, one history major, and an English major who kept speaking Chinese to me. Husband and I have determined he must be a n00b RM.

I don't think I'll drop any classes, which, I am proud to say, makes me a full-time student again. Graduation, here I come... next year! :D


MoonyMoMo said...

you're gonna be bald?

I'll cut my hair to make you a wig...

Jin said...

Ooh yay, I've always wanted curly hair! :D

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