I made shadow puppets with the reflections of my hands in the tv. By themselves they're just hands, but with the fingers interlaced my hands became celtic knots or owls, facing each other they're like a sorceresses hands, or an anime magical girl's. Shapes, expressions, emotion. Fascinating what you can see when you look beyond the immediate form and purpose of things.
In the meantime, I'm counting down to some epic concerts and a certain dress to come in the mail...
Requiescat in pace
Today I drove through the local cemetery just to see what all the hype was about. I hear a lot on the internet about people (more specifically, goths) hanging out at cemeteries like it's just the thing to do. At first I thought it was kind of weird and irreverent, and I thought I would be too uncomfortable to do that kind of thing, but I did, and it was kind of really awesome. There's a very safe feeling there, that's the best way to describe it. It was peaceful and magical, and so different from the surrounding town. It was interesting seeing all the different styles of tombstones, some obviously more modern, some seemingly homemade, and some more archaic and opulent, like all the gothic cemetery photography I see online. It was neat, like all the different time periods coalesced into one on that hilltop. Is it irreverent to like hanging out there, or are those people glad to have someone stop by and read their names, someone to visit? Maybe they don't want all the awkward silence, maybe they want some more liveliness.
Jpop Summit 2012
Last weekend we went to the Jpop Summit Festival in Japantown, watched the h. Naoto fashion show, browsed around the vendor booths, and ate ramen. I saw the most lolitas I have ever seen in my life, and everyone looked so magnificent! It was rather cold that day and I felt like I looked very windswept the whole time, but anyways, here's some pics! (from my phone, forgive the bad quality >_<)
(h. Naoto Gramm and Frill fashion show, the designer's in the pic on the right, with the red and black skirt!)
(me, derping around)