
Bee's Wax Sheep Skin

My ramen breath and sweat-stained second-hand clothes are a result of procrastination and a long and miserable 4-hour shift at work. Knowing that my lovely husband would not be home when I returned, I took a detour to DI and splurged, all of $12 on a "new" outfit. Ever since I got married, I haven't really gone shopping as much as I used to. I used to like exploring a town by bus and browsing through stores by myself. There is something I like about shopping by myself. It can very well be because I am really slow, and if anyone were to go with me they would be terribly bored. But anyways.
There is something comforting to me about thrifts stores. And, frightening too, but... it's nice to be someplace where people don't put up facades, and for every nice piece of clothing you find you know that person must have been awfully generous to give it to the store and let someone else have it and love it and barf on it and throw it away when it turns into tatters.
So now I am feeling a lot better, and my face is all sweaty from hot off the stove ramen and lack of an air conditioner. But that's all good, we're cheap and don't need air conditioning anyways.